QT5.4 Multimedia Video rtsp stream
I'm trying to create an rtsp stream using the QT5.4 multimedia lib. We used to use gStreamer and QTmobility to stream live video but I'm trying to update our existing QML code to QT5.4. However, whenever I try to make a connection to an RTSP stream I get this error: FigByteFlumeCustomURLOpen signalled err=-12936 (kFigByteFlumeError_BadState) (no provider) at /SourceCache/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1562.107/Prototypes/FigHTTP/FigByteFlumeCustomURL.c line 1486
Any help please?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I don't know the answer to that one, but if you have a gstreamer based solution that is working you could be interested by QtGStreamer