Qt project fails to compile on one PC (stuck in qmake) [partly solved]
It spams the console with:
22:40:21: Запускается: «C:\Qt\Tools\mingw491_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe» C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\qmake.exe -spec win32-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug CONFIG+=qml_debug -o Makefile ..\ProjectName\ProjectName.pro C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\qmake.exe -spec win32-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug CONFIG+=qml_debug -o Makefile ..\ProjectName\ProjectName.pro and so on...
It worked fine before and the exact same project compiles successfully on desktop. The problem started when I noticed that it seemed like my app didn't accept any code changes and worked as before. Even in debug it worked very strange. So I tried to make full rebuild and after that - it never succeed. Looks like it loops or something. (Just running qmake is fine but trying to run and build it on my notebook never finishes)
My .pro file is nothing special. It's auto generated and I haven't added any custom stuff to it myself.
Assuming that you have identical code and project information on both PCs, you have done already a complete rebuild. the next step would be to run the maintenance tool to do a repair of your installation. Personally, I would go even further and remove and install again on your laptop. Especially since you no special installation it might be the fastest way for a resolution.
commenting out Makefile line 193 with
{$QMAKE} -spec win32-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug CONFIG+=qml_debug -o Makefile ..\ProjectName\ProjectName.pro
Helped build the project but it failed again at the same thing after regenerating makefile.
Could be antivirus related but I don't know if it's the case, worked fine just today.
W8.1 x64, Qt 5.4.1, Qt Creator 3.3.2
@flashmozzg said:
It worked fine before and the exact same project compiles successfully on desktop. The problem started when I noticed that it seemed like my app didn't accept any code changes and worked as before. Even in debug it worked very strange. So I tried to make full rebuild and after that - it never succeed. Looks like it loops or something. (Just running qmake is fine but trying to run and build it on my notebook never finishes)
My .pro file is nothing special. It's auto generated and I haven't added any custom stuff to it myself.
It's probably what I'll have to resort to but I'd still want to find out what happened. It was working just fine and than it stopped. Without me changing anything anywhere except some code fixes.
I tested with different project and it compiled too. So it's even stranger now.
Did you also nuke the build folder ? Did you move your project in a different path ? Did you rename the path/folder containing it ?
@SGaist said:
id you also nuke the build folder ? Did you move your project in a different path ? Did you rename the path/folder containing it ?
I've done the first. Then I just copied my project folder from my pc and opened project on usb drive - it worked. But starting from scratch (deleting every qt-creator related file, like .user) didn't help. So i just moved directory completely and it worked. It's still very strange because Git didn't any changes in project files so only hidden by gitignore remains and I'm pretty sure I tried to delete them.