QAbstractVideoSurface and QVideoProbe issues
I have a problem with getting frames from QMediaPlayer. I try to connect it with QVideoProbe object, or with an object of class derived from QAbstractVideoSurface. If I connect media player with QVideoWidget object, it plays the video correctly, so the problem is not concerned with codecs.If I connect media player with cVideoSurface (class derived from QAbstractVideoSurface), function present() is never called. When I test my program in debug mode, breakpoint in this function is never reached.
If I connect media player with QVideoProbe, it never emits the signal videoFrameProbed(). I connect the signal with slot in my MainWindow class, the breakpoint is never reached too.
This problem hinders me to finish my project, this is a final step, and I've tried many options, but without success. I've created a simple test project, which shows similar behaviour of classes listed above. It can be downloaded here:
The archive contains MP4 video to play in the project. You can choose three options:
- QVideoProbe as output;
- cVideoSurface as output;
- QVideoWidget as output;
One option at the time, others are commented. The code is careless, because it's a test.
I work in Windows XP and use Qt Creator 3.3 (MinGW 32 bit), Qt 5.4. Thanks for your attention, I will be happy to get an answer to my question, especially from Yoann Lopez.
All the best,
Sergey. -
See Qt Multimedia on Windows Limitations
"the DirectShow plugin does not support any low-level video functionality such as monitoring video frames being played or recorded using QVideoProbe or related classes" -
I am not sure that I am directly addressing your issue, but I am not able to reproduce your problem. I took your code, commented out everything between line 28-46, uncommented the line with "player_->setVideoOutput( surface_ );", and ran the program. The output shows continous "success" lines from the getFrame method.. -
@gs_chris Thanks. Please tell me what OS do you run? I suppose it's Vista or newer, am I right?
As cincirin wrote, DirectShow does not support low-level processing. But Win XP (I use it) only contains DirectShow, it does not support Media Foundation.
The problem was in Windows XP as expected. Qt doesn't support low level video processing with DirectShow, therefore I complied the project in Win 7. Moreover, MinGW connects the program with DirectShow, so I used MSVS compiler, and the program started to work correctly.
Guys, thanks for replies.
i am using window7 it not supporting