[Solved] Refresh a QScrollArea()
I'm working on a project which needs QScrollArea().
My problem is that I need to refresh my QScrollArea() but my scrolling widget is in a layout. And this layout in a more global layout.
I have a violation memory access, the second time I try to update my QScrollArea().
My guess is that I am doing that refresh wrong ...
I didn't find any answer in previous posts so if you can help me.
My code :
void InitWindowLayout() { // Layout contenant les indications group1 = new QVBoxLayout(); group1->addWidget(...); group1->addWidget(...); group2 = new QVBoxLayout(); group2->addWidget(hand); group2->addWidget(....); group3 = new QVBoxLayout(); group3->addWidget(...); group3->addWidget(...); items = new QVBoxLayout(); items->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer); items->addLayout(group1); items->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer1); items->addLayout(group2); items->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer1); items->addLayout(group3); items->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer); group5 = new QHBoxLayout(); group5->addWidget(...); group5->addWidget(...); scrollArea = new QScrollArea(); scrollArea->setFixedSize(QSize(640,480)); scrollArea->setStyleSheet("background-color:transparent;"); scrollArea->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); group4 = new QVBoxLayout(); group4->addLayout(group5); group4->setAlignment(group5, Qt::AlignRight); group4->addWidget(entrainement); group4->addWidget(createLine(255,255,255), NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_GRID); group4->addWidget(scrollArea); group4->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer2); // Layout global avec des marges au-dessus et en-dessous du gridLayout globalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); globalLayout->addSpacerItem(horizontalSpacer); globalLayout->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer); globalLayout->addLayout(items); globalLayout->addSpacerItem(horizontalSpacer); globalLayout->addLayout(group4); globalLayout->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer); globalLayout->addSpacerItem(horizontalSpacer); // Incorporation du gridLayout dans la fenetre setLayout(globalLayout); } void updateScrollArea(){ // Layout contenant les indications QWidget * dummy = new QWidget(); dummy->setFixedWidth(620); QVBoxLayout* data = new QVBoxLayout(); QHBoxLayout* user = createUserWidget(...); QVBoxLayout* user_progression = createRecapProgressionWidget(...); data->addLayout(user ); data->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer2); data->addLayout(user_progression ); data->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer2); data->addWidget(createLine(0,0,0), NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_GRID); data->addSpacerItem(verticalSpacer2); dummy->setLayout(data); scrollArea->setWidget(dummy); }
Have a nice day,
Hi and welcome,
Can you post a backtrace of when your application crashes ?
Problem solved by understanding how to put some widgets in a scroll area.
Only one widget in a scrollarea and then you can put some other widgets in this widget.
Don't forget to put the widget resizable to true if you want a display.
Thanks for your help,
you can put this thread as solved.
Great !
You can do that, just update the title prepending [solved] :)