How to automatically close a Dialog when clicked outside?
One of the solution is InverseMouseArea from Ubuntu SDK. It capture the mouse event outside of your component. However, Qt did not bundle this component. You may find the C++ implementation from Ubuntu or got a QML version from this page:
(Remember to destroy the component after closed the dialog.)
@tezine You could use a QtQuick Window with the Window.Popup flag set. Unfortunately this feature is buggy in the current Qt version. I faced the same problem and was able to work around it. See this thread:
Cheers! -
@benlau I thought that a dialog/window didn't get mouse events outside the dialog from the protected event() function making the inverse mouse area only work inside of the screen? The reason I say this is because I thought those events were passed to Qt from the windowing system. Which I don't think would tell you the mouse position if you didn't set some special flag or were the window that actually contained the mouse.
@Buttink I assume tezine means iOS and Android platform. I think the implementation of Dialog class in those platform do not create a new window. It is still a QQuickItem. So the hijacking by MouseArea works.
But there has two problems. The first , Dialog is not a QQuickItem. And the QML version of InverseMouseArea do not working well in this situation.
It could be fixed by this experimental InverseMouseArea: hijack the dialog by
FileDialog { id: fileDialog } InverseMouseArea { id: inverseMouseArea width: parent.width height: parent.height enabled: fileDialog.visible parent : fileDialog.contentItem onPressed: { fileDialog.close(); }
Hi @benlau , I forgot to mention, I commented the line inside InverseMouseArea: //if (!_inBound(pt)). Just sends component.pressed();
Here is an example of use:
Dialog {
id: sharedDlg
modality: Qt.NonModal
property alias inverseParent: inverseMouseArea.parent
InverseMouseArea {
id: inverseMouseArea
width: 400
height: 600
enabled: sharedDlg.visible
onPressed: sharedDlg.close()
}//extending Dialog with InverseMouseArea....
MyDialog {
id: dlg
contentItem: Rectangle {
//add content here
}//using MyDialog....
inverseParent: topWindow
} -
My solution for automatically close a Dialog in qml by clicking outside the window was to change the modality of the window to non modal:
Dialog { id: myDialog height: 300 width: 600 modality: Qt.NonModal ...
My window has a 1280x800 size and the dialog appears in the middle. Once its open i click outside and the Dialog closes by itself.