Authorized training for Qt Quick and Programming with Qt training in Bangalore
Greeting from G.T. Enterprises"
We are pleased to inform you that we are the Authorized training partner for "Digia Qt Programming" Courses.
What is Qt ?
Qt is a cross platform application and UI framework it includes a cross-platform class library, integrated development tools and a cross-platform IDE. Using Qt, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across many desktop and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code.About Qt Essentials - Widgets Edition
The Qt Essentials - Widgets Edition course is an introduction to Qt programming for widgets-based Application developers. It lasts 3 days and its objective is to provide you with a working knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of Qt and experience in programming with Qt with strong emphasis on widget-based programming. Please visit our course comparison page in order to compare our "Qt Essentials" and "Programming with Qt" courses side by side.
“About Training”
We provide Qt courses for individuals under Open/Public Enrolment and Corporate under Private/Onsite Enrolment. Open enrolment courses can be attended by selecting the desired course, date and location. On-site training is generally offered to companies who wish to invest in their developers.“We also conduct customized training for Exclusively for Corporates "
Course Learning Objectives:
o Provide trainees with a working knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of Qt.
o Provide trainees with Qt programming experience.Course Prerequisites:
o Working knowledge of C++ programming.
o Basic knowledge of GUI programming.
o Previous Qt experience is not required.
Please find the Digia Qt Certification Open Enrolment training schedules details as furnished below:Sl No Training Name Training Date Location
1 Qt Core & Widgets 16th to 19th February 2015 BangaloreOur Courses:
• Are class-room based and instructor-led
• Are delivered by our Qt Training using authorized trainers
• Are based on theory, discussion and hands-on lab exercises which will test your knowledge
• Provide Qt usage examples that are designed to underline the theory of the course content
• Will help you understand the concept and strategy of our product
• Will provide Qt Diploma CertificateEnrol to Avail “ATTRACTIVE PRICE” Feel free to contact us for more clarifications.
Please refer the below link for more detail
For More information please contact or 9972246119
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