"Setting up PySide" wiki
I don't have enough experience neither with Qt nor with Python ... yesterday I was installing PySide and it couldn't find my "Python installation in the registry" ( this has happened on Windows 7 ). After some searching I understand that this error happens if the installed Python is 64 bit version.
I edited "the wiki page":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Setting_up_PySide, adding the info that it is needed a 32 bit version.
The problem is that I'm not entirely sure that I'm correct...it is possibly with some registry editing to use the 64 bit version when a 32 is needed - this is generally, I haven't tried it with PySide...and manually editing the registry doesn't sound very interesting.
Maybe (if I'm correct) this change should be in "PySide Binaries for Microsoft Windows":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySide_Binaries_Windows and not in the "Setting up PySide" wiki?
Moved here to increase the chance that the PySide people read it. :)
Hi! Your changes to the wiki are correct. I've added a warning to the second link (..Binaries for Windows..). As the PySide is generated for 32bits isn't possible to use a python 64 bits. Thanks for noticing that!
Sorry but I have edited your edit a little :)
I changed "Windows (32bits):" to "Windows:" ... it is ok Windows to be 64 bit (mine is).