Build not successful for a non QT project
Can you show your pro file content ?
INCLUDEPATH += path to XXT folder <I tried with relative path also>
CONFIG += build_allInput
HEADERS += swtdus_swtools/stt/aeneasversion.h
<other header files>
SOURCES += swtdus_swtools/baselibs/src/orexception.cpp
<other source files>
@Thanks !!
Are you using the unix notation for all your paths ?
[quote author="mishraab" date="1418285012"]header and source paths ate automatically generated.[/quote]
What do you mean by that ?
When we generate .pro file using command : "qmake -project", the path to all header files and source files got copied to .pro file automatically.
I followed the same notation (for path) in my INCLUDEPATH variable.I was trying to say this. What could be the problem ?? any idea?
[quote author="mishraab" date="1418107574"]
similar 7-8 warnings and 1 error:
C:\prj\ormut.cpp: 15: error: ormutex.h: No such file or directory
#include "ormutex.h" // class ORMutex
Thanks in advance.[/quote]That one
Yes, that's clear. The question is: where is that file and ormutex.h exactly located ?