Build not successful for a non QT project
I am having this build error while building a non qt c++ application using mingW compiler.
I am not able to figure out the reason behind the fail, can someone help me please regarding this matter.
I am attaching the image of the error screen.
warning: overriding recipe for target 'release/orexception.o'warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'release/orexception.o'*
similar 7-8 warnings and 1 error:
C:\prj\ormut.cpp: 15: error: ormutex.h: No such file or directory
#include "ormutex.h" // class ORMutex
Thanks in advance. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Where's ormutex.h located ? Did you add that path to your INCLUDEPATH variable in your pro file ?
Yes I tried both Absolute and Relative path in in INCLUDEPATH variable in .pro file. What should be the location of .pro file ??
Hi SGaist,
As I am new to QT so I am sending all the steps I followed before building the project. Please tell me if somewhere I did something wrong. These steps will help you to narrow down the cause of the problem.
Steps I followed:
I have all the source and header files so,
Step1. New Project -> Import Project -> Import Existing Project <Choose Project Name as "Demo"> -> <location "C:\Documents\TXX" > and then finish.
path "C:\Documents\TXX" contains all my header files and source files.Step2. Now I have files named Demo.files, Demo.includes, Demo.config and Demo.creator in location "C:\Documents\TXX".
Step3. Now to generate .pro file, hence I opened the Command Prompt (QT 5.3 for Desktop(MingW 4.8 32 bit)) and jumped into location "C:\Documents\TXX", and generated ".pro file and make files" by using commands:
1. qmake -project => got generated in the same location.2. qmake -o Makefile => Makefile, Makefile.Release and Makefile.debug got generated in same location.
Step4. I modified my .pro file as :
TEMPLATE = app => modified to => TEMPLATE = lib (since I want .dll file to be generated)
INCLUDEPATH += {I tried it with both Absoulte and Relative paths but no benefit}.
CONFIG += build_all {just for experiment but it has no side effect} HEADERS += <path to all header files inside TXX>
SOURCES += <path to all source files inside TXX>Step5. I also explicitly tried to add path into qt explorer but no benfit;
tools->options-> under C++ sections -> File Naming tab -> search paths : I added the same path to ORMutex.h => no benefit.When I try to build/rebuild the project, I get some warnings followed by one error.
Warnings: overriding/ignoring recipe/old recipe for targer release/.o files in file "Makefile.release".
Error: 'ORmutex.h' no such file or directory, However when I hover down my cursor over ORmutex,h where error had come, I can see the location of the header file that means file is present there.What could be the cause of the issue.
Please analyse.Thanks and Best Regards,
Abhishek -
Can you show your pro file content ?
INCLUDEPATH += path to XXT folder <I tried with relative path also>
CONFIG += build_allInput
HEADERS += swtdus_swtools/stt/aeneasversion.h
<other header files>
SOURCES += swtdus_swtools/baselibs/src/orexception.cpp
<other source files>
@Thanks !!
Are you using the unix notation for all your paths ?
INCLUDEPATH += C:/Users/mishraab/Documents/XXT/ I am using this notation, I had tried with black slash also.
header and source paths ate automatically generated.
[quote author="mishraab" date="1418285012"]header and source paths ate automatically generated.[/quote]
What do you mean by that ?
When we generate .pro file using command : "qmake -project", the path to all header files and source files got copied to .pro file automatically.
I followed the same notation (for path) in my INCLUDEPATH variable.I was trying to say this. What could be the problem ?? any idea?
Something's not clear:
You have@C:\prj\ormut.cpp:@
Are these files in the same folder ?
- C:\prj\ormut.cpp: where is this file?
Are you talking about ormutex.cpp ???? in swtdus_swtools/baselibs/src directory, i have 2 files ormutex.cpp and orexception.cpp; in the same folder.
[quote author="mishraab" date="1418107574"]
similar 7-8 warnings and 1 error:
C:\prj\ormut.cpp: 15: error: ormutex.h: No such file or directory
#include "ormutex.h" // class ORMutex
Thanks in advance.[/quote]That one
Yes, that's clear. The question is: where is that file and ormutex.h exactly located ?