Qt application on LVDS display Freescale Saberauto board
Hi All,
I am using IMX6 Freescale Saberauto board with LVDS (secondary display) and HDMI as(primary display). I want two different outputs on both screens. On LVDS I want QT application to run.But it is not happening, it is running on primary display. Please let me know some solution.Regards,
Shivaraj -
IMO, you need to set correct DISPLAY environment variable according to which display you want the application to be shown.
Below are boot arguments
video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1024x768M@60,if=RGB24 bpp=32 video=mxcfb1:dev=ldb,LDB-XGA,if=RGB666.
I have set HDMI as primary and LVDS as secondary. -
Did you try exporting the DISPLAY variable before launching the Qt Application ?
Or may be "this":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt-embedded-running.html#using-multiple-displays will help you . -
Yes i have tried exporting display variable. I follwed what was given on the following link. [qt-project.org] .
Currently I am trying with below command.
It seems I am able redirect QT output to secondary display(/dev/fb2).
./qtapp -qws -display Linuxfb:/dev/fb2:enable=1.
Porblem is QT output is redirected to secondary display, but what I wanted on primary display has gone I mean primary display works, but not consistently. -
That should not happen. Is the other application Qt based too ?
No it is not Qt application. Its airplay where mobile screen is replicated on HDMI display(primary).