Caputuring data in qt in windows
Friends, how do I capture system resources usage (like total/used/free RAM, hard disk space, last login detail, shutdown time, boot time, start time,end time,%cpu,%mem of any application(most important)) in windows through code in Qt, I mean which library or DLL to download from where? How I use that in Qt?
It will be good if someone give answer in detail with small example. I'm new to programming.
I'm able to capure totam ram and free ram like this
MEMORYSTATUSEX memory_status;
ZeroMemory(&memory_status, sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX));
memory_status.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memory_status))
int q=memory_status.ullTotalPhys/(1024 * 1024);
int q1=memory_status.ullAvailPhys/(1024 * 1024);
} -
hii Native API-MSDN for all information)
how to get start time,end time,%cpu,%mem of any application(like firefox) in windows in qt code -
how to get start time,end time,%cpu,%mem of any application(like firefox) in windows in qt code[quote author="IamSumit" date="1403699138"]hii Native API-MSDN for all information)[/quote]