About Qt Open Governance
Like I mentioned in the previous "post":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/4349/, just heard a great talk by Knut Yrvin, Open Source Community Manager, Qt, Nokia today. Most of the info is already covered in much more detail probably in the links below. When I asked how soon this will be in place for us external developers, the reply was that we might soon hear about the official date and roadmap :)
Other Resources:
- 1 hour video from Qt DevDays 2010 "here":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/online/talks/developerdays2010/tech-talks/qt-301s-open-governance-model/
- On Qt Labs "here":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/06/03/qt-and-open-governance/ and "here":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/07/02/open-governance-mailing-list/
- On Qt blogs "here":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2010/06/03/open-governance/
- The Open Governance mailing list. You can subscribe "here":http://lists.qt-labs.org/listinfo
Glad to hear you had a good time with Knut, I know he was really looking forward to go to India. Wish it was me. :)
One addition to the list of resources:
- Qt Open Governance has a small dedicated wiki here: http://qt-labs.org/index.php/Main_Page
A little question. I see some pages of the wiki (thanks mariusg) and the foal is that Qt will became a completely open platform "like linux and other great platforms". How does this statement impact with the recent notice that an external company (Digia) will manage the licensing for the platforms as a Nokia partenr ? Does this refers only to the WP7 project? It seems that there is some little incongruence.
[quote author="mariusg" date="1299714640"]Glad to hear you had a good time with Knut, I know he was really looking forward to go to India. Wish it was me. :)
One addition to the list of resources:
- Qt Open Governance has a small dedicated wiki here: http://qt-labs.org/index.php/Main_Page[/quote]
Yup would've been good to have u here also :)
[quote author="Alicemirror" date="1299715529"]A little question. I see some pages of the wiki (thanks mariusg) and the foal is that Qt will became a completely open platform "like linux and other great platforms". How does this statement impact with the recent notice that an external company (Digia) will manage the licensing for the platforms as a Nokia partenr ? Does this refers only to the WP7 project? It seems that there is some little incongruence.[/quote]
I'm not able to comment myself, but here is a quote from the "blog post announcing the Digia transaction":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/07/nokia-and-digia-working-together/:
bq. "We want to emphasize our long-term commitment to Qt. Nokia will drive Qt developments in support of our business needs and our investments in community building, marketing and R&D will continue to benefit all members of the Qt community. By introducing the up-coming open governance model we will also enable other companies, such as Digia, to more easily contribute to Qt, which will enrich Nokia investments in Qt and benefit and grow the Qt community as a whole."
Hope that helps.
Thanks Marius, it helps, but it sound to me little contraddictory. Is possible I have not understood?
[quote author="Alicemirror" date="1299766355"]Thanks Marius, it helps, but it sound to me little contraddictory. Is possible I have not understood?[/quote]
I can't comment on current affairs, but please go through the material on Qt Open Governance and try to look at it from the perspective of a company that has dependencies on Qt. This should be a good place to start: http://qt-labs.org/index.php/The_Model - and possibly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meritocracy
I read asap then update this thread ;)
[quote author="Alicemirror" date="1299715529"]A little question. I see some pages of the wiki (thanks mariusg) and the foal is that Qt will became a completely open platform "like linux and other great platforms". How does this statement impact with the recent notice that an external company (Digia) will manage the licensing for the platforms as a Nokia partenr ? Does this refers only to the WP7 project? It seems that there is some little incongruence.[/quote]
From what I've understood, Digia will just manage Qt licensing. This has nothing or little to do with Qt development itself, which will happen "in the open" (see the wiki pages and the ML archives for discussions about the planned development model, the roles of developers, the tooling involved, etc.).
me too, understood the same thing. But if there is a governance and the circus remain open, why to involve a company to manage licenses? It's almost strange. Don't you think?
Consider the possibility that I don't understand a concept that in US or other places is obvious and elementary.
I don't know anything about handling commercial licensing :-) Still, it has little to do with where Qt development is going to.
If you go to the Qt downloads you can choice between commercial and LGPL licenses. The only one that is only on the commercial licensing, is that linux embedded.
No, Qt for Embedded Linux is available under LGPL as well.
Peppe, I am happy, if it is true.
At the moment, your is the only information I have about this. In the http://qt.nokia.com/downloads page, if you select "LGPL" you can download the common versions (Linux, Windows, Mac etc), the SDK and for the Linux embedded you can download "QT Framework only", under the section libraries.
In the section "Commercial" you find Embedded Linux as a platform at all, just as Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Windows CE.
As I read it is not a case of product naming difference only. If you know more about, please explain me. Thanks.
Because there's no "SDK" targeting linux-embedded. You have to download the sources and compile Qt for your specific device, using the toolchain provided by your embedded vendor, etc. Still, you can use a LGPL licensed Qt. This is quite OT, though :-P
Thank you peppe, this is the first time I have a clear answer.
Thus, this is exactly what I need :) Great!P.S. What is the forum where this QT-Branch is discussed ?