Qt 5.2 built with Glib support under OS X - event loop doesn't work
I have built Qt 5.2.1 with Glib support under OS X 10.9. Here's a test code:
#include <iostream>
#include <glib.h>
#include <QApplication>using namespace std;
static QApplication * qapp;
static int idle (void)
cout << "Idle callback called" << endl;
cout << "Quitting QApplication" << endl;qapp->quit (); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
int main (void)
cout << "Creating QApplication" << endl;int dummy_argc = 0; qapp = new QApplication (dummy_argc, 0); cout << "Adding idle callback" << endl; g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) idle, 0); cout << "Starting QApplication" << endl; qapp->exec (); cout << "QApplication finished" << endl; cout << "Cleaning up" << endl; delete qapp; qapp = 0; cout << "All done" << endl; return 0;
@This code works perfectly under Linux, callback is being called. Unfortunately, it doesn't work under OS X... unless you replace QApplication with QCoreApplication, then it works... I want to build a UI interface, so I have to use QApplication. Any idea why it doesn't work as expected?
Best regards,
Same problem with Qt 5.3.0.