Build Qt5 for blackberry 10 in Windows 8.1
It is now about days I'm trying to compile brand new Qt5.2.0 to Blackberry OS 10 (and brand new Z10 phone).
I'm trying to follow this guide: "":
Getting source from git is ok, then it fails at the configure step...Basically I do following step:
Open MSVC2010 command promp (same result with MSVC2012)
Load blackberry environnement, by running batch file of BBNDK : @d:\bbndk-bb10\bbndk-env_10_2_0_1155.bat@
Try running configure: @configure -prefix c:\Qt5\5.2.0\bb10bin -xplatform blackberry-armle-v7-qcc -opengl es2 -nomake examples -nomake tests -opensource -confirm-license -release -openssl@
And it fails with following obscure error:
@NMAKE : fatal error U1065: invalid option '-'@What is wrong with the procedure, it is not possible to build from MSVC ?
Well, you can use QT Online Installer, and in settings can setup Blackberry NDK on QT Creator