Qt/C++ Desktop App Engineer - London
"Mendeley Desktop":http://www.mendeley.com/ is a free app for Windows, Mac and Linux that helps students, scientists and researchers discover, read, organise and cite their research. It integrates with our academic network for scientists that helps them publicise their work and collaborate with others.
!http://i.imgur.com/vFRTJXE.png(Mendeley Desktop screenshot)!
We’re passionate about building easy-to-use apps and services that enrich researchers' lives and we’re looking for a great engineer to join our small team and help us evolve Mendeley Desktop and explore new frontiers.
What you’ll be doing:
- Designing and implementing UI and backend components using Qt, C++, HTML/JS/CSS and Objective C
- Working closely with our UX and QA teams to build a polished product that will delight our users across Windows, Mac and Linux (and possibly other platforms in future!)
- Writing high quality code along with effective unit tests and documentation
- Conducting design and code reviews
- Improving the stability, performance and scalability of our app
- Shaping Mendeley with your own ideas, enthusiasm and personality
What you should bring:
- Good knowledge of C++ and UI development with Qt. If you've contributed to open source projects that make use of these skills, that's a great plus - please include links on your CV!
- Enthusiasm for working with UX designers to deliver apps that are simple to use and show great attention to detail
- Experience developing for Windows and/or Mac
- Ability to debug and optimise apps written in Qt/C++
- Computer Science or Engineering degree
- Knowledge of other UI technologies (HTML 5, QtQuick, WPF, Cocoa etc.) is a plus
What we offer:
- Work in a motivated, fast-moving team
- Explicit commitment to high quality software engineering
- Opportunities to attend relevant conferences and network with other users and contributors to the technologies we use
- A great learning opportunity
- "Monthly hackdays":http://blog.mendeley.com/events-2/fancy-some-pi-hack-in/
- We also offer space for you to add your knowledge, skill and expertise to the team, and the company as a whole, without being rigid or inflexible about the way things need to be done
- Competitive salary
- Benefits: pension scheme, 25 days holidays, staff discounts and season travel tickets, private healthcare, Cycle to Work scheme, free breakfast, Friday Beer O’clocks, annual events, team building activities, etc
Read more about the role and contact us at http://www.mendeley.com/careers/london-cpp-developer/
About Mendeley
Mendeley is based in London "near Farringdon Station":https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=White+Bear+Yd,+London&aq=0&oq=white+bear&sll=51.528642,-0.101599&sspn=0.928688,1.726227&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=White+Bear+Yd,+London+EC1R,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=17&iwloc=A and was founded in 2007. In April 2013 we were acquired by Reed Elsevier and are now looking to grow our team to deliver new and improved apps and services.
For more information about the benefits we offer, visit http://www.mendeley.com/careers/
Find our what's happening with Mendeley and what our users are saying about us at https://twitter.com/mendeley_com and on "our blog":http://blog.mendeley.com/.
Mendeley is a free service and app which you can download from http://www.mendeley.com/
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Hi exim,
I believe we can offer some help with relocation from Europe. The job involves working closely with our UX design, QA and platform teams so we're really looking for someone who could work from our London offices. Please get in touch with us at jobs@mendeley.com and our HR staff can provide more details.
Robert, I have sent you an email using the "Send email" in your profile a couple of days ago. Did you receive it?
In any case, I will send an email to jobs@mendeley.com with my resume and a few questions.
Hi lasmr,
I'm sorry I missed that - Gmail misclassified it as spam. Thanks for getting in touch - please do forward your resume on to jobs@mendeley.com
Hello AlterX,
Yes - we're offline for a brief period today I'm afraid. Google's cache of the page content can be found at http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:w-HPPnyCWmIJ:www.mendeley.com/careers/london-cpp-developer/+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=firefox-nightly until then.