How to use .net or Java api within Qt windows application?
Hi Everyone,
I want to develop a simple windows desktop application,which will has to capture bio-metric sensor connected to the pc in windows platform . The bio-metric vendor has provided api() in Acticex, .Net & java to which i can connect to bio-metric sensor to capture , store,show&compare bio-metric images etc.My questions are :i) how can I integrate the given api() in my Qt appication (in windows) to capture and display the bio-metric image
ii) which of the package is easy to integrate with Qt (for windows desktop application)
i) Active X
ii) .Net
iii) if possible give me simple example to integrate third party api() with Qt ,which can be helpful for my developmentThanks in Advance,
Tamil -
Given the three API they give, you should go with ActiveX since Qt provides "ActiveQt": that you can use to interface with ActiveX controls. You can find examples "here":
Hope it helps
Hi SGalst,
I am successfully integrated bio metric device with Qt through Activex, The Qt help documentation is really awesome.Thanks for your valuable reply .
Great !
You're welcome !
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