QMdiArea Crash Segmentation fault
Hi, i have an application built on python and PyQt with many forms, and i just switched it from the old QWorkspace to QMdiArea.
i am openning forms with this code:
@def addSubWindow(self, form):
new_sub = QMdiSubWindow()
form.show()@and when the form is closed it coles this function:
@def formClosed(self):
window = self.mdi.activeSubWindow()
self.mdi.removeSubWindow(window)@the problem is when i open lots of windows and then closing them and then reopen the system crashes with out an error, it happens at random not always with the same form.
i run it with gdb and it gave me the following:
@Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x618945a9 in QtGui4!?takeAt@QBoxLayout@@UAEPAVQLayoutItem@@H@Z ()
from c:\python\python27\lib\site-packages\PyQt4\QtGui4.dll@i am working on windows 7 Python 2.7.3, Qt 4.8.4, PyQt 4.9.6