QNetworkReply doesn't abort/close
My Code: (relevent parts)
@def update(self): request = QNetworkRequest() request.setUrl(QUrl("someurl")) self.network_manager.finished.connect(self._update) self.network_manager.get(request) def _update(self, reply): # update stage 2 if not reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: # request probably failed print(reply.error()) print(reply.errorString()) print("retrying") self.update() else: reply.abort() #print(str(reply.readAll().data())) data = json.loads(str(reply.readAll().data())) # get data #work with the data (irrelevant) def sendBearer_req(self): request = QNetworkRequest() request.setUrl(QUrl("someotherurl")) self.network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() self.network_manager.finished.connect(self._request_finished) self.network_manager.post(request, self.urlencode_post({'some' : 'thing'})) def sendBearer(self, reply): reply.abort() ans = reply.readAll() print(ans) time.sleep(5) print(ans) try: self.bearer = json.loads(str(ans)) self.update() except: raise #for debugging self.sendBearer_req() #retry def _request_finished(self, reply): if not reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: # request probably failed print(reply.error()) print(reply.errorString()) print("retrying") self.sendBearer_req() else: self.sendBearer(reply)@
it's in this part:
ans = reply.readAll()
I'm pretty sure the abort isn't working because on the first print it prints just what i want but then, while it waits, apparently it continues with the code and enters the update function where it sends another request. Therefor in the second print the two replies mix together and it prints the both.(btw I tried close as well - same result)
What am I doing wrong?
what about sleep do you process when you sleep ?
try :
@while reply.isReadable () :ans = ans + reply.read()
print (ans)@