Rumor discussion: Nokia and Microsoft to team up on Windows Phone 7
Of course all will be fine for the desktop, Qt is LGPL'd and KDE has an agreement, the "KDE Free Qt Foundation":, but I would really like to see Qt as a first citizen framework on mobile device.... But that's just me :)
[quote]but I would really like to see Qt as a first citizen framework on mobile device[/quote]
Meego is not dead yet. Android has a community port and I believe we will see more efforts on it from the Nokia itself. Just don't make such a quick conclusion from this MS-Nokia deal. -
I hope we will hear good news next week....sure today Nokia had no smartphone killer and MS have only 4.2 % on the mobile market,compare to that,the android plateform and apple will not wait ...looking the growth of them , it s quite wirring.
In term of store both android and apple have so much applications than in the ovi Store.Apple decided to attack low price mobile...
In this market condition you need to get a killer phone ,a plateform and a clear vision (your idea, their tools) .We had a taste of it last friday.I cant see how the deal could give something good when the only hope MEEGO+QT brutally slow down.(see Mr Elop Memo on the burning plateform).
I really hope to hear Some Qt good news.
smartphone sales: -
[quote author="mdwh" date="1297533699"]That said, who knows - I would hope that Nokia are aware of Symbian's success. I guess they think that WP is a better technology for future development, or perhaps they no longer want to spend the R&D on maintaining an OS themselves. I'm not saying it's a good thing - it is indeed very risky, but who knows.[/quote]
Well of course the idea is that they will save R&D money by not developing software. However, of course, in this deal they must pay someone to use said software which may very likely cost more than if they did it in house (with R&D). Most of the reductions in R&D will actually come from increasing efficiency through lay-offs and focus (eg. Meego gets almost no R&D now).
Their plan is it will take two years to get the transition going to WP7. But, my question is how could they possibly think that it would take longer to fix Symbian/Meego (the former which lacks a UI and the latter which lacks nothing as it will run Android & iOS applications). Two years is a long time for Qt and Meego. It could be massive by then.
In two years, WP7 will still be using IE9 (it's IE7 now but IE9 isn't much better) with its bad HTML5 support and bad JS support. Again, Nokia will have the worst mobile browser on the planet. But this time, third party browsers are not allowed. Symbian/Meego had a webkit solution and a fennec-qt solution. It is very disappointing.
In two years, WP7 may finally get an update to solve copy and paste, multi-tasking, custom ringtones, bluetooth, tethering and wireless hotspots that we all take for granted today.[quote author="dguimard" date="1297545382"]MS have only 4.2 % on the mobile market
smartphone sales:[/quote]
I'm afraid it is worse than that. Most of that 4.2% includes Windows Mobile sales. 2 million out of 100 million is 2%. Windows Mobile 6.5 actually outsold Windows Phone 7.
I can pretty much guarantee that most those WM6.5 users would jump to Android as it is the most similar. WP7 is nothing like it. -
They are not likely to get rid of the Qt. Here is "blog": by one of the Sales manager
[quote author="Immii" date="1297574521"]They are not likely to get rid of the Qt.[/quote]
Well they aren't going to be using Qt in any of their products and they are trying to cut down on redundant spending. It doesn't make sense they'd invest much in to a toolkit that they don't use.
I think we can expect planned 4.9/4.10/5.0 to be canned in favour of bug fixes to the current versions.Best possible future: ?
Nice idea of course this msqt, if it was a real Nokia site we will not see google advertising on the side i think...
Does the feeling of developer(upset) will translate to the public ???
I am not sure, but I think what the investors see now is LACK OF DIRECTION AND VISION within Nokia. I do not believe that MS and Nokia can bring a NEW product, which would win on the market within next 6 months. UI of MS phone is ugly and would have to be totally redone if they want to compete with Apple. Nokia can provide hardware for various OS, no problem (Intel does it and no one has a problem with it), changing direction for a mere 3% of the market in smartphones ( mostly in US) and letting QT slide like this in silence is a mistake.
What would be an interesting question is - how much resources and support Nokia really dedicated to QT? -
One more thing, what I really do not understand in the deal with MS is - Microsoft have NOTHING TO OFFER in the area of smartphones. MS gets the best hardware, and the gossip says that Samsung wanted to stop producing for MS....
I tried Windows 7 handset and UX is much better on Symbian 3 + QT.
and who is using Bing?!? it's not like the promise of Bing on my phone would make me buy it! -
[quote]One more thing, what I really do not understand in the deal with MS is – Microsoft have NOTHING TO OFFER in the area of smartphones[/quote]
Do you really think you know better than Nokia CEO and key shareholders?
[quote]what does MS have to offer in the area of smartphone?what do they give to Nokia in this deal?[/quote]
Isn't it obvious? MS gives NOKIA WP7. -
right now only 3% of smartphone owners decided that WP7 is worth their money. So obviously to have a killer smartphone as Nokia promises, SOMETHING will have to be changed in WP7 to sell better, don't you think?
I do not see any difference from using Symbian in the short term. -
Just do it then. If you see no future with Qt just stream your energy on products you believe in!
Also, nothing in programming is a waste of time. Each new step in any framework is a step forward in your skills. If your skills depends on a framework than you are not a good programmer. Nothing personal, just my opinion -
[quote author="ixSci" date="1297602709"]Do you really think you know better than Nokia CEO and key shareholders? [/quote]
I honestly believe they have a very US-centric view born out of hiring US execs and directors to recover their US marketshare. In doing so, they will kill their global market which is actually worth quite a lot more. All those US software companies can't penetrate Europe and Asia. Now Nokia is also US software. Europeans will flock to US products. Game over.If you look at global marketshare, Nokia has been doing very well with the competition from Apple & Google. You'd expect them to be demolished by such large companies. However, four years later and they are still outpacing growth of Apple and outselling Google and they are just one manufacturer. Take US out of the equation and Nokia is (was) way ahead. 76% in Asia, about 50% elsewhere.
I believe they don't understand their products whatsoever. If they did, they'd focus on something already.