Will there ever be complete JavaScript bindings?
While using QML, I'm writing more and more JavaScript. I sometimes wish for a complete set of JavaScript bindings to standard widget classes. Will complete bindings ever exist?
I know about "QtScript bindings generator":http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/, but it doesn't seem to have gotten much traction. Why not?
iirc the trolls used a modified version of the QtJambi binding generator at one point to bind classes for QtScript.
See: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtjambi-4.5.2_01/com/trolltech/qt/qtjambi-generator.html
I just installed the following Debian packages:
libqtscript4-doc$ cd /usr/share/doc/libqtscript4-doc/examples
$ qs_eval CollidingMice.jsIt looks just like the c++ one.
After trawling the web like you guys have, it's surprising that this isn't mentioned more prominently as a Qt resource.
What's up with that?