[SOLVED] Several Qt problem on BB Qt
[quote author="Bomb3rman" date="1357833115"]Are you having sth like this in the bar descriptor? If the answer is yes, how does this line of code look like? And if no, can you add this line and try it again?
<env var="QML_IMPORT_PATH" value="/usr/lib/qt4/imports"/>[/quote]
Wow...now it works!
that's very strange; I had the same line but value was "/app/native/imports".
The other lines are as shown:
<env value="app/native/plugins:/usr/lib/qt4/plugins" var="QT_PLUGIN_PATH"/>
<env value="app/native/lib:/usr/lib/qt4/lib/" var="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"/> -
Sorry for digging old topic up.I already copy example code but why i still encounter the same error.The code above seems to be missing "/"
Example Code
@<env var=“QML_IMPORT_PATH” value=”/usr/lib/qt4/imports”/>@ //For some reason "/" won't appear beside code but i do put it@file:///accounts/1000/appdata/com.Tester.testapp.testDev_xx_testapp35f67ca8/app/native/qml/MyApp/main.qml:7:18: Type Control unavailable
file:///accounts/1000/appdata/com.Tester.testapp.testDev_xx_testapp35f67ca8/app/native/qml/MyApp/Control.qml:3:1: module "QtMultimediaKit" is not installed @ -
A new snapshot (Qt 5.2.1) is available for BB "here":http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt5-on-BlackBerry10