Qt Creator 2.1 RC1 released
Most of you might have already downloaded this.
"Qt Creator 2.1 RC1 ":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/qt-qtcreator-prerelease#download
Yes :)
Argh! I knew I had forgotten about something! I should have announce the new Qt Creator version here.
A bit of old news by now :P
Surely the Qt Creator 2.1 final is coming soon :)
Will it come in a new NokiaQtSDK with Qt4.7.1 and QtMobility 1.10 by any chance? I guess not as this would mean they have to allow Qt4.7 on Ovi Store. :(
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1291308009"]Argh! I knew I had forgotten about something! I should have announce the new Qt Creator version here.[/quote]
Tobias, I also think you should put out the weekly creator mailer that you send out to the qt-creator mailing list here. Or create a wiki for it and keep adding each mailer as a wiki page. I find those mailers quite informative on what to expect from the snapshots :)
What say?
chetankjain, I don't think wiki will be ok here. But forum thread will be good.
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1291363590"]chetankjain, I don't think wiki will be ok here. But forum thread will be good.[/quote]
there are already some wiki pages for Qt Quick minutes ... so was thinking on the same lines. forum posts are fine too :)
chetankjain: If you really care about what happens in Qt Creator you will most likely be on the mailing list anyway. So I do not see the need to put it into the Wiki as well. Using the wiki involves editing which I can not automate, so I am reluctant to do it:-)
I am using this release candidate right now and it seems pretty good. I really hope the merge with Nokia Qt SDK to happen when the final 2.1 is released. I want to be able to create both Desktop and Mobile applications using one SDK :D