[Solved]If 8+0-5*7/3 is the text entered in the Line Edit widget ,how can we convert it to integer data type ?
If 8+0-5*7/3 is the text entered in the Line Edit widget ,how can we convert it to integer data type ?
No easy way in C++. You can try (I've never done that, but it might work) evaluating the expression using QScript, or writing your own parser for the input data.
As sierdzio has said, you can see "here":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qscriptengine.html :
bq. Evaluating Scripts
Use evaluate() to evaluate script code; this is the C++ equivalent of the built-in script function eval().@QScriptEngine myEngine;
QScriptValue three = myEngine.evaluate("1 + 2");@bq. evaluate() returns a QScriptValue that holds the result of the evaluation. The QScriptValue class provides functions for converting the result to various C++ types (e.g. QScriptValue::toString() and QScriptValue::toNumber()).
So, you can do what you want without a parser.
I use python's eval() function solved it ! thanks all your replies !