Qt Application doesn't show on normal user, but does on admin
I have this application in release build, which behaves weirdly. When the application is run on my admin user in Windows, it runs properly and the UI window pops up, but for my normal user account it just gets stuck on the first line in main, "QApplication application(argc, argv);".
I've tried "set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1", but it doesn't output anything either. The application just simply gets stuck and runs indefinitely in the background without showing anything. There are no error messages, no logs, nothing. It just gets stuck. I've been racking my brain on why this happens. It's an application using Qt 5.14.2.
It literally just gets stuck on the first line, and I have no idea what to do anymore to find the cause
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication application(argc, argv); ...
This issue still bothered me so I looked into it further. I created a debug build for testing and got my hands on the pdb files, and upon further inspection it seems to get stuck at "Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QLibrarySettings, qt_library_settings)" in the qlibraryinfo.cpp file.