Filtering in socketcan communication
Mobile and Embedded
I am wiriting my first app on embeded STM32 system, contains socektcan communication.
Anybody can help me how I should set filter to receive only frames with 0x32F id ?filter.frameId = 0x32F00000; filter.frameIdMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; filter.format = QCanBusDevice::Filter::MatchBaseAndExtendedFormat; filter.type = QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame;
@SGaist I also tried 0x0000032F, but without result, so I thought that I something do not understand .
Filtering works properly when I comment below line:
filter.type = QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame; -
You are writing about ID 0x32F but you set your filter to 0x32F00000 which is not the same value. Why these zeros ?
@SGaist I also tried 0x0000032F, but without result, so I thought that I something do not understand .
Filtering works properly when I comment below line:
filter.type = QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame; -