Refreshing a Custom Model data (QList<UserDefinedClass>) and swapping the lists contained in a QMap
Hello everyone, what I'm trying to implement is the following QMainWindow made of the components:
left QListView do not exist for the moment and is simulated to simplify testing, so don't focus to much on it.
GroupEditor (righ Widget) uses a custom model (PathsInfoTableModel) that is set to the QTableView
2.1) This widget as a Custom Card ( visible under the QTableView on the image above) and is simply a QWidget with a
QDataWidgetMapper that is connected to the QTableView currentItem that is called MapperPathInfo.
The application's storage Structure:
// QMap< QString, QList<PathInfo> > "GroupName1" { [ Path_info_1, Path_info_2, ... , Path_info_12, ] }, "GroupName2" { [ Path_info_1, Path_info_2, ... , Path_info_7, ] }
Functionality Description:
In the main window constructor a customModel called PathsInfoTableModel( QList<PathInfo> data) is istanciated and then passed to the GroupEditor's constructor (right widget) for the QTableView and is forwarded to the Widget mapper MapperPathInfo that set also QDataWidgetMapper->setModel( m_model )
long story short, a customModel is istanciated in the main window and then shared to QTableView and a QDataWidgetMapper
When the user want to edit a group (that contains a QList of paths obj) he clicks the "Edit Group"
-> this will take the "GroupName" as a QString and use it as a key in the QMap to retrive the corresponding QList<PathInfo>
and set the model's internal data structure to that QListauto current_list = (*QMap)["GroupName2"]; //definition in the model: void setListData( QList<PathInfo>& new_paths_list ); customModel->setListData( current_list);
model definition:
class PathsInfoTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit PathsInfoTableModel( QList<PathInfo> group= QList<PathInfo>(), QObject *parent = nullptr ); // virtual override int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const override; int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const override; QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const override; bool setData( const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role ) override; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override; QList<PathInfo>& getPathInfoList() { return m_model_data; } void setListData( QList<PathInfo>& new_paths_list ); private: QList<PathInfo> m_model_data; };
model implementation:
PathsInfoTableModel::PathsInfoTableModel(QList<PathInfo> group, QObject *parent) : QAbstractTableModel{parent}, m_model_data{ group } {} Qt::ItemFlags PathsInfoTableModel::flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const { if ( !index.isValid() ) return Qt::NoItemFlags; // sets path_col and IsOpenable_col editable if ( index.column() == 3 ) { return Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } int PathsInfoTableModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent ) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return m_model_data.size(); } int PathsInfoTableModel::columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent ) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return 4; } QVariant PathsInfoTableModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const { auto col = index.column(); auto row = index.row(); PathInfo p =; // add pixmap to first and third column if ( role == Qt::DecorationRole && (col == 0 || col == 2) ) { auto is_path_valid = p[2].toBool(); // select the right icon for // the first column if ( col == 0 ) { // path doesn't exist if ( !is_path_valid ) return p.NOT_A_FILE_PIX; // exists and is a file if ( p[0].toBool() ) return p.FILE_PIX; // is a folder return p.FOLDER_PIX; } return ( is_path_valid ) ? p.VALID_PIX : p.INVALID_PIX; } if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole && col == 1 ) { return p[col]; } /**************************************************************************** * change it with a custom QStyledItem * to draw the chips instead ****************************************************************************/ // add text Valid-Invalid if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole && col == 2 ) { return ( p[col].toBool() ) ? QVariant( QString("Valid") ) : QVariant( QString("Invalid") ); } return QVariant(); } bool PathsInfoTableModel::setData( const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role ) { auto row = index.row(), col = index.column(); QModelIndex fileTypeIdx = createIndex(row, 0); QModelIndex validityIdx = createIndex(row, 2); if ( !index.isValid() || row >= m_model_data.size() ) return false; if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole ) { // get PathInfo at row index.row() PathInfo& pathInfo = m_model_data[row]; if ( col == 1 ) // edit the path_column { // not a path, return if ( !value.canConvert<QString>() ) return false; QString oldPath = pathInfo.path(); pathInfo.changePath( value.toString() ); if ( oldPath != pathInfo.path() ) { emit dataChanged( index, index, { Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::EditRole } ); emit dataChanged( fileTypeIdx, fileTypeIdx, { Qt::DisplayRole } ); emit dataChanged( validityIdx, validityIdx, { Qt::DisplayRole } ); return true; } return true; } else if ( col == 2 ) // edit the isValid chip { // check if data is of type bool if ( !value.canConvert<bool>() ) return false; bool old_state = pathInfo.pathValidity(); // checks if path is valid pathInfo.checkPathValidity(); if ( old_state != pathInfo.pathValidity() ) { // update FileType and ValidityChip col emit dataChanged( fileTypeIdx, fileTypeIdx, { Qt::DisplayRole } ); emit dataChanged( validityIdx, validityIdx, { Qt::DisplayRole } ); return true; } return true; } else if ( col == 3 ) // edit the isOpenable_col { if ( !value.canConvert<bool>() ) return false; pathInfo.setOpenable( value.toBool() ); emit dataChanged( index, index, { Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::EditRole } ); return true; } return false; } return false; } QVariant PathsInfoTableModel::headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role ) const { if ( orientation != Qt::Horizontal || role != Qt::DisplayRole ) return QVariant(); switch ( section ) { case 0: return "Type"; case 1: return "Full Path"; case 2: return "Validity State"; case 3: return "Openable"; default: return QVariant(); } } void PathsInfoTableModel::setListData( QList<PathInfo>& new_paths_list ) { beginResetModel(); m_model_data = new_paths_list; endResetModel(); }
I have to make 2 different post because the first was getting to long.
the problems:
there is something in the model resetting when a change the old QList with the new QList retrived from the QMap that is causing segmentation fault. I Post the full code on gitHub ( because it will never fit to the forum.
How can I have a model pointing to QList stored in a QMap that can be directly modified by the model and when i'm done editing it and switch to a dfferent Qlist (also contained in the QMap but inside a different key) a can reset the Model with new Data ?
@Andrea_Venturelli said in Refreshing a Custom Model data (QList<UserDefinedClass>) and swapping the lists contained in a QMap:
m_model_data = new_paths_list;
endResetModel();I would have suggested exactly this now...
This doesn't work for you?!Reset the model when you switch to new list and assign the new one to update all views
commenting out the instanciation of the left widget will prevent the segmentation fault problem, so the problem mist be in some custom slot where i update the values after the “modelChanged()” signal.
it seems like the model exist for all the component that uses it but when accesing the have a reference to some non existing data and crush..
without a deep knowledge of QMap<> i think I’m missing some core concepts that is casuing the problem after the model resetted