ItemLayer Transparency issue on CYT4DN Platform
Qt for MCUs
I am facing issue while trying to bring images with transparency areas using ItemLayer API. This is the code im using
ItemLayer {
renderingHints: ItemLayer.OptimizeForSize
platformId: 2
depth: ItemLayer.Bpp32Alpha
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 1136
z:2Rectangle { width: 774 height: 720 color: "black" TachGauge { id:tachometer } } } If i use rectangle as a parent component with black color my assets are rendered properly but if directly put image in a ItemLayer without rectangle as a parent component my assets are not rendered properly.
I shared a reference PNG, in that you able to see some waves pass thorugh a black boundary if didn't use rectangle as a parent component that parts gets omitted and it renders only the parts inside a black boundary, why is that? kindly help me with this.