Add New Localisation Language to Qt6
General and Desktop
The instructions in the wiki Qt Localization show how to update or add to translations for existing languages in Qt5 and Qt6. However they only show how to begin translations for a new language in Qt5 but not in Qt6.
If I attempt to usemake ts-untranslated
it returns
make: *** No rule to make target 'ts-untranslated'. Stop.
The instruction
cd qttranslations; <qt-installation>/bin/qt-cmake . -G Ninja; ninja ts-<lang>
seems to be clearly for an existing language. If I run it with 'ts-untranslated' it returns
-- Configuring done (0.8s) -- Generating done (0.1s) -- Build files have been written to: /home/muwawa/nls/Ebikyusibwa/Qt/build/qt6/qttranslations ninja: error: unknown target 'ts-untranslated'
It gives similar output if I run it with 'ts-lg', where 'lg' is the two letter code for the language (Luganda) that I wish to start translating into.
Could somebody advise me of the correct way to add a new language in Qt6 please?
I am using Qt 6.7.3.Regards,