What Mac M1/M2/M3 means to Qt?
Installation and Deployment
I have been asked to prepare the Qt5.15.2 and related environment fo Mac M1 application. I am not frequent user of Qt. So, what does it mean to Qt building and using?
Is that correct: Mac M1 means macx-arm64 or macx-aarch64 for compiling or cross-compiling, there is nothing special?
Then what I should do are:
- building Qt5 for arch = arm64 (mac) as toolchain
- building other related libraries for macx-arm64
Is that right?
Thank you very much!
@fulltopic See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/macos.html#architectures
Qt 5.15 is available as binary for Mac arm64 (via official installer). Just install XCode and Qt and you can build for Apple Silicon.