Compiling for macOS - what compilers are supported please?
Compile Qt itself or compile Qt apps on macOS?
Here it says:
The build environment on macOS is defined entirely by the Xcode version used to build your application. Xcode contains both a toolchain (compiler, linker, and other tools), and a macOS platform-SDK (headers and libraries). Together these define how your application is built.
Note: The version of macOS that you are running Xcode on does not matter. As long as Apple ships a given Xcode version that runs on your operating system, the build environment will be defined by that Xcode version. with QtCreator on Mac:
@Perdrix the QtFramework does not require any particular compiler. It does require c++17 features (IIRC).
IF you're willing to compile it yourself you can use any c++ compiler you want. If you want to use the precompiled libs than yes, apple clang and therefore Xcode, or at least the command line tools, are a must.
Don't worry, no-one really likes Xcode.
My apologies - that should be clearer - if I've DL'ed the pre-built version of Qt 6.8.0, do I have to use XCode's supplied compiler to build my code or can I use other compilers.
Why? I need to use SIMD which the clang compiler shipped with XCode doesn't (AFAIK) support.
David -
Non Apple clang is officially unsupported territory. It's also untested.
Xcode is the IDE/Suite of tools but the compiler is clang for quite some time now.