Build mysql driver on linux (Debian)
You show the installation instructions for windows...
Please start over with a clean build directory, follow the documentation and post the output in case of an error. -
It is same error when I try to compile with QMYSQL
So actually your plugin was built (otherwise it would not show up in available drivers) but it is not loaded due to missing dependencies -> Start you app with env var QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS is set ( ) and see why the Qt mysql plugin is no loaded.
When you use Kali Linux why do you compile Qt by yourself instead using the provided packages?
I needed qt creator and I also didn't have the information that Qt is available directly.
Can you guide me on this? -
When you need QtCreator why do you compile Qt then? Simply install it via the Qt online installer.
Yes I installed via Qt online, now I need to connect my application to MYSQL (XAMPP) for use my database.
Thanks it work.