No QtMultimedia backends found. Only QMediaDevices, QAudioDevice, QSoundEffect, QAudioSink, and QAudioSource are available.
Do you have that library in your system ?
Sorry to say that but: you did not answer the question. The library searched is libavformat version 58. Do you have that version available ? Based on the message, no, but it could be a path issue.
Can you please try the recent version ( There were some Multimedia libraries missing in some of the 6.7 versions.
@SGaist I have the same issue. The version of Qt I am using is 6.7.3.
qt.core.library: "/opt/Qt/6.7.3/gcc_arm64/plugins/imageformats/" cannot load: Cannot load library /opt/Qt/6.7.3/gcc_arm64/plugins/imageformats/ open
qt.core.plugin.loader: QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "/opt/Qt/6.7.3/gcc_arm64/plugins/imageformats/" : "Cannot load library /opt/Qt/6.7.3/gcc_arm64/plugins/imageformats/ cannot open -
@JoeCFD When I execute the command:ldd /opt/Qt/6.7.3/gcc_arm64/plugins/imageformats/ => not found => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000007fa2330000)I’m not quite sure what happened. Could you please help me? greatly appreciate it.