Is it possible to integrate Qt Add-in/Plugin into Visual Studio 2022 within a GitHub Actions workflow?
I'm trying to set up a GitHub Actions workflow to build a project that requires Visual Studio 2022 and the Qt Add-in/Plugin in visual studio 2022. Below is a snippet of my workflow configuration. I'm encountering issues with configuring the Qt version and path. Integrating the Qt Add-in into Visual Studio 2022.
My workflow steps include:
Verifying Visual Studio 2022 installation.
Downloading and verifying the Qt VS Add-in.
Installing the Qt VS Add-in using VSIXInstaller.exe.
Configuring the Qt version in the expected paths.
Here is a relevant part of my YAML configuration:- name: Verify Visual Studio 2022 installation run: | $vswherePath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vswhere.exe" if (-Not (Test-Path $vswherePath)) { Write-Error "vswhere.exe not found. Visual Studio 2022 might not be installed." exit 1 } $vsInstallPath = & $vswherePath -latest -version "[17.0,18.0)" -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -property installationPath Write-Output "VS_INSTALL_PATH=$vsInstallPath" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 - name: Download Qt VS Add-in run: | $url = "" $output = "qt-vsaddin-msvc2022-3.0.2.vsix" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output - name: Verify SHA-256 Hash run: | $expectedHash = "b1eba080495505638e2431e85ffa4108ee3b688595cc4657f1b80e30712c2f23" $fileHash = Get-FileHash -Path "qt-vsaddin-msvc2022-3.0.2.vsix" -Algorithm SHA256 if ($fileHash.Hash -ne $expectedHash) { throw "Hash mismatch: $($fileHash.Hash)" - name: Find VSIXInstaller run: | $vswherePath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vswhere.exe" $vsInstallPath = & $vswherePath -latest -version "[17.0,18.0)" -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -property installationPath $vsixInstallerPath = Join-Path -Path $vsInstallPath -ChildPath "Common7\\IDE\\VSIXInstaller.exe" if (-Not (Test-Path $vsixInstallerPath)) { Write-Error "VSIXInstaller.exe not found." exit 1 } Write-Output "VSIX_INSTALLER_PATH=$vsixInstallerPath" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 - name: Install Qt VS Add-in run: | $vsixInstallerPath = $env:VSIX_INSTALLER_PATH Start-Process -FilePath $vsixInstallerPath -ArgumentList "/q", "qt-vsaddin-msvc2022-3.0.2.vsix" -NoNewWindow -Wait - name: Configure Qt Version env: QT_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\\ThirdParty\\Qt\\6.6.1\\msvc2019_64 run: | $qtVersionName = "6.6.1" $qtPath = "${env:QT_PATH}" $configPaths = @( "$env:APPDATA\\QtProject\\qtcreator\\qtversion.xml", "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\QtProject\\qtcreator\\qtversion.xml" ) $qmakePath = Join-Path $qtPath "bin\\qmake.exe" $configFound = $false foreach ($configPath in $configPaths) { if (Test-Path $configPath) { $configFound = $true [xml]$qtConfig = Get-Content $configPath if (-Not $qtConfig.qtcreator.qtversions.qtversion) { $qtConfig.qtcreator.AppendChild($qtConfig.CreateElement("qtversions")) | Out-Null } $newVersion = $qtConfig.CreateElement("qtversion") $newVersion.SetAttribute("Id", "qt." + $qtVersionName) $newVersion.SetAttribute("Name", $qtVersionName) $newVersion.SetAttribute("QMakePath", $qmakePath) $qtConfig.qtcreator.qtversions.AppendChild($newVersion) | Out-Null $qtConfig.Save($configPath) Write-Host "Configured Qt version $qtVersionName with path $qtPath in $configPath" } } if (-Not $configFound) { Write-Error "Qt configuration file not found in expected paths." Write-Host "Expected paths: $($configPaths -join ', ')" Write-Host "Ensure that Qt Creator is installed and has been run at least once to generate configuration files." exit 1
The script throws an error indicating that the Qt configuration file is not found in the expected paths.
I need to ensure Qt is correctly configured in visual studio 2022 and available within the GitHub Actions environment.
Is it possible to integrate the Qt VS Add-in/Plugin into Visual Studio 2022 in a GitHub Actions workflow?
Are there any additional steps required to configure Qt within a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions?
Any advice or example workflows would be greatly appreciated!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What project manager are you using ? qmake or CMake ?
You should not need the AddOn to build your application from the command line like is done in a CI/CD. -
Hi SGaist,
Thank you for your response and insights. I appreciate the clarification regarding the necessity of the Qt Add-in/Plugin for command-line builds.
My project currently uses MSBuild for the build process. Given your input, I'll explore whether the add-in is indeed essential for our CI/CD pipeline or if we can streamline our setup.
For additional context, here's the workflow configuration I currently use in my GitHub Actions setup:
name: MSBuild on: push: branches: [ "Demo" ] pull_request: branches: [ "Demo" ] env: DEVENV_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\Common7\IDE QT_PATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\ThirdParty\Qt\6.6.1\msvc2019_64 permissions: contents: read jobs: build: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Check out the main project repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Check out the third-party repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Add Visual Studio to PATH uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.0.2 - name: Install Qt uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v4 with: version: '6.6.1' host: 'windows' target: 'desktop' arch: 'win64_msvc2019_64' - name: Setup and Execute Build shell: cmd run: | echo "Current directory: %cd%" set DEV_ROOT=%cd%\OT set DEVENV_ROOT_2022=%DEVENV_PATH% set THIRDPARTY_ROOT=%cd%\ThirdParty set QtMsBuild=%cd%\ThirdParty\Qt\6.6.1\msvc2019_64 set PATH=%QtMsBuild%\bin;%PATH% echo "DEV_ROOT=%DEV_ROOT%" echo "DEVENV_ROOT_2022=%DEVENV_ROOT_2022%" echo "THIRDPARTY_ROOT=%THIRDPARTY_ROOT%" echo "Checking if BuildAll.bat exists..." echo "Starting BuildAll.bat..." call %DEV_ROOT%\BuildAll.bat echo "All checks passed." - name: Upload build log summary artifact if: always() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: build-log-Debug path: ${{ github.workspace }}\buildLog.txt
And here's the build.bat file I'm running through the workflow:
@ECHO ON IF "%DEV_ROOT%" == "" ( ECHO Please specify the following environment variables: DEV_ROOT goto PAUSE_END ) IF "%DEVENV_ROOT_2022%" == "" ( ECHO Please specify the following environment variables: DEVENV_ROOT_2022 goto END ) IF "%QtMsBuild%" == "" ( ECHO Please install and set up the "Qt Visual Studio Tools" extension in Visual Studio, since it is required for build. goto END ) REM build "%DEVENV_ROOT_2022%\devenv.exe" "%DEV_ROOT%\project.vcxproj" /Release "Release|x64"
Based on your suggestion, I understand that using the add-in might not be necessary for command-line builds. Could you provide more details or examples on how to configure Qt for MSBuild without relying on the Qt Visual Studio Add-in? Any advice or example workflows would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you again for your help!
I haven't use the plugin myself but from my understanding you should have the project already configured for MSBuild and it should be possible to build it from the command line using