Build Error with Qt 6.7.1 MSVC2019 64bit Kit
- I'm encountering a build error when attempting to compile my project using the Desktop Qt 6.7.1 MSVC2019 64bit kit. Below are the details of the error and the steps I've taken to troubleshoot.
The system cannot find the path specified.
jom: C:\AeroGCS-Prog\Config\build-RPA-Config-Desktop_Qt_6_7_1_MSVC2019_64bit-Release\Makefile.Release [release\RPA_Config.exe] Error 1
jom: C:\AeroGCS-Prog\Config\build-RPA-Config-Desktop_Qt_6_7_1_MSVC2019_64bit-Release\Makefile [release] Error 2
10:17:57: The process "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\msvc_make.bat" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project RPA_Config (kit: Desktop Qt 6.7.1 MSVC2019 64bit)
The kit Desktop Qt 6.7.1 MSVC2019 64bit has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.When executing step "Make"I have also added the following to my .pro file msvc path:
MSVC_PATH = "C:/Qt/6.7.1/msvc2019_64"
QTPLUGIN += /pluginsQMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--rpath=$$ORIGIN/lib
LIBS += -L$$MSVC_PATH/lib -lz -lpthread
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib -lquazipd -lcrypto -lssl -lSDL2 -lexiv2
LIBS += -LC:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\Hostx64\x64
LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib -lquazipd -lcrypto -lssl -lSDL2
LIBS += -lopengl32 -luser32 -lws2_32 -lwinmm
RESOURCES += qml.qrcI would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue. If anyone has encountered a similar problem or has additional troubleshooting steps, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!