PluginParameter not being recognized for some reason? (Unknown Component. M300)
QML and Qt Quick
Not sure how I ran into this weird error but here
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtLocation 5.15 import QtPositioning 5.12 Rectangle { id: rightScreen anchors { top: bottom: right: parent.right } width: parent.width * (2 / 3) Plugin { id: plugin name: "osm" } Map { anchors.fill: parent zoomLevel: 14 plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" PluginParameter { name: "osm.mapping.providersrepository.address"; value: "" } PluginParameter { name: "osm.mapping.highdpi_tiles"; value: true } } activeMapType: supportedMapTypes[1] // Cycle map provided by Thunderforest } }
This is one of the many attempts at implementing osm with the API I have been trying but the only thing Qt Creator is saying is PluginParameter is not a type, which is not turning up any relevant hits on StackOverflow or the forums as far as I can tell.
Version of Qt: 6.7.2
Qt Creator: 13.0.1 (Community)
Any help would be appreciated