Error installing Qt 6.5.5 into Ubuntu 22.04 Docker Container
Installation and Deployment
Hi All,
I am having almost the exact same problem as described in post, but the solution there is not working for me. I am trying to install Qt 6.5.5 into a Docker container running Ubuntu 22.04. Here is the command line that I'm using in the dockerfile to run the install:
RUN /tmp/ --accept-licenses --default-answer --confirm-command install qt.qt6.655.gcc_64
Here's the portion of the output that shows the error:
25 40.50 [30338] Installing component Desktop gcc 64-bit #25 40.50 [30338] backup qt.qt6.655.gcc_64 operation: ConsumeOutput #25 40.50 [30338] - arguments: qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput, /opt/Qt6.5.5/6.5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake, -query #25 40.50 [30338] Done #25 40.50 [30338] perform qt.qt6.655.gcc_64 operation: ConsumeOutput #25 40.50 [30338] - arguments: qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput, /opt/Qt6.5.5/6.5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake, -query #25 42.08 [31918] Warning: Cannot get any query output from executable "/opt/Qt6.5.5/6.5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake" #25 42.08 [31918] Done #25 42.08 [31919] backup qt.qt6.655.gcc_64 operation: QtPatch #25 42.08 [31919] - arguments: linux, /opt/Qt6.5.5/6.5.5/gcc_64, qt5, QmakeOutputInstallerKey=qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput #25 42.08 [31919] Done #25 42.08 [31919] perform qt.qt6.655.gcc_64 operation: QtPatch #25 42.08 [31919] - arguments: linux, /opt/Qt6.5.5/6.5.5/gcc_64, qt5, QmakeOutputInstallerKey=qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput #25 42.09 [31928] Done #25 42.09 [31928] Operation \"QtPatch\" with arguments \"linux; /opt/Qt6.5.5/6.5.5/gcc_64; qt5; QmakeOutputInstallerKey=qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput\" failed: Could not find the required QmakeOutputInstallerKey(qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput) value on the installer object. The ConsumeOutput operation on the valid qmake needs to be called first. #25 42.09 [31929] installationErrorWithCancel : Installer Error : Error during installation process (qt.qt6.655.gcc_64): #25 42.09 Could not find the required QmakeOutputInstallerKey(qt.qt6.655.gcc_64_qmakeoutput) value on the installer object. The ConsumeOutput operation on the valid qmake needs to be called first. Retry|Ignore|Cancel #25 42.09 [31929] Answer: "Cancel"
It appears that the installer is trying to run qmake but not finding it or it's not producing the expected output. I have tried adding:
apt-get install -y qmake6
to my dockerfile before the install command, as suggested in the previous post, but that had no effect. I have also tried installing Qt6.7.2 in this manner and got the same error. Please help!