Styling a specific button in Qt Installer
Installation and Deployment
So the way to style buttons is using the style.qss. And in my case I do it like this
QPushButton { background-color: rgb(169, 143, 79); color: white; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5.5px 26px; font-size: 8px; }
Which is fine. But I can't manage to change a specific button, for example the "Next" button. How could you have one style for all buttons and another for the "Next" button?
@SGaist I tried already a few variations of
QPushButton#okButton { color: gray }
QPushButton#nextButton { color: gray } QPushButton#NextButton { color: gray } QPushButton#continueButton { color: gray }
But the docs do not specify how those built-in buttons in the Qt Installer are named.
You should rather check the code of the installer framework, it will be faster.