Header not found in <appName>_qmltyperegistrations.cpp
in Qt5 I used for a Qt Quick Application the following approach to connect a c++ model with a qml listview:
Whereby the usermodel.h contained
However, the same approach doesn't work in qt6 and to be honest I don't understand what the exact equivalent in qt6 would be.
Now I am using CMake (seems to be the new standard?) and I have the following CMakeLists.txt (where I changed nothing except the header and cpp files...):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21.1) option(LINK_INSIGHT "Link Qt Insight Tracker library" ON) option(BUILD_QDS_COMPONENTS "Build design studio components" ON) project(AppName LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) find_package(Qt6 6.2 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Qml Quick Sql) if (Qt6_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 6.3) qt_standard_project_setup() endif() qt_add_executable(<appName> src/main.cpp <...Some more cpp and header... > src/usermodel.h src/usermodel.cpp ) qt_add_resources(StockforecastApp "configuration" PREFIX "/" FILES qtquickcontrols2.conf ) target_link_libraries(AppName PUBLIC Qt6::Core Qt6::Gui Qt6::Qml Qt6::Quick Qt6::Sql ) if (BUILD_QDS_COMPONENTS) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qmlcomponents) endif() include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qmlmodules) if (LINK_INSIGHT) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/insight) endif () include(GNUInstallDirs) install(TARGETS AppName BUNDLE DESTINATION . LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} ) # make IDEs aware of the QML import path set(QML_IMPORT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/qml CACHE PATH "Path to the custom QML components defined by the project")
..The header contains again the macros mentioned above. However I get this error:
<pathAndAppName>_qmltyperegistrations.cpp:10:10: fatal error: usermodel.h: No such file or directory 10 | #include <usermodel.h> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
I took a look at the Qt-examples and I foudnd "contactlist" which does in generel the same like I want to do.
The CMakeLists.txt there looks like:
# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(contactlist LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) if(NOT DEFINED INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR) set(INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR "examples") endif() set(INSTALL_EXAMPLEDIR "${INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR}/quickcontrols/contactlist") find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Quick) qt_add_executable(contactlistexample WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE contactmodel.cpp contactmodel.h main.cpp ) qt_add_qml_module(contactlistexample URI contactlist NO_RESOURCE_TARGET_PATH QML_FILES "ContactDelegate.ui.qml" "ContactDialog.qml" "ContactForm.ui.qml" "ContactView.ui.qml" "SectionDelegate.ui.qml" "ContactList.qml" "designer/Backend/ContactModel.qml" ) target_link_libraries(contactlistexample PUBLIC Qt6::Core Qt6::Gui Qt6::Quick ) install(TARGETS contactlistexample RUNTIME DESTINATION "${INSTALL_EXAMPLEDIR}" BUNDLE DESTINATION "${INSTALL_EXAMPLEDIR}" LIBRARY DESTINATION "${INSTALL_EXAMPLEDIR}" )
...So why is this running and my app not?. I guess I need as well qt_add_qml_module but I am not sure. Why should I need now a module and in the past not? What is missing in my CMakeLists.txt? Or is there another error?
You do not set the include folder where the compiler should search for header files.
See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/target_include_directories.html#command:target_include_directories -