Need help with startup project, my Qt first project
I think your expectation of what you get for $50 is out of touch with reality.
Accordingly to,7_IM1045_KO8,25.htm you can expect 50 usd to be 14 days of work from a the lowest paid developer, and I guess they dont do C++.Your specifications are vague and vague specifications takes a long time to work with. I doubt you will get anything you are happy with for 14 days of work.
For a developer in Norway, 50 USD is roughly
a daysan hours work.All in all, your budget is too low, your specifications are too vague so yes, the request is out of line. Sorry to say.
@Mowijo said in Need help with startup project, my Qt first project:
For a developer in Norway, 50 USD is roughly a days work.
I agree with your sentiments about the fee. However I am astounded at this comment, especially in Norway. The UK is a lot poorer than Norway but $50 USD for a day's work is well below the legal minimum wage. I don't know anyone who would do anything in England, even sweeping leaves (or whatever example you wish to take), for $50 per day.... So in Norway a developer would earn $12,500 per year you are saying, right?
@JonB said in Need help with startup project, my Qt first project:
. So in Norway a developer would earn $12,500 per year you are saying, right?
Holy fudge, no! It was a mistake.
50 USD per hour - in the lower end.
That sounds a lot more reasonable... ;-)And I would not want to implement the OP's "specification", and deliver it to him, and discuss, and make corrections, and doubtless add stuff or be told what I have is inadequate, all in one hour's work.....
@JonB Replying to all: This is a starter project. Create three dialogs and two or three simple functions for each. That is it. Why would this take more than an hour or so? I suspect that the majority of time will be devoted to describing the steps taken so I will understand how the project was created.
Second: I will write up the details, but how to post them? The forum does not seem to support the formatting I think is needed. I don't see a tool for an attachment for something like a MS Word document. I can post it on my web page and provide a link. I do see the link tool. Will that word for a web page? Will it be acceptable for here? Should the document be translated from Word to HTML then posted?
A quick look at the top level of this forum section did not reveal anything close to what I am asking so I don't know the best way to go about this task.
Why would this take more than an hour or so?
Well, is it an our or "or so"? That is important when I get paid by the hour. But OK. Lets assume it is an hour.
I have tried to break down what I think should be done and fit it into an hour
That does not leave a lot of work for each work item. Even if the forms are identical (which we don't know because of the lack of specifications) and the simple functions are identical ( which we don't know because of the lack of specifications) we only get eight more minutes to distribute between the remaining tasks. And you don't get a lot of documentation ( which wasn't mentioned in your original post so already here we have scope bloat ) written in 17 minutes.
Also, I think that review and clarifying questions are very low set here, but it would be impossible to squeeze more into an hour. That is why I didn't respond to your initial post with interest.
, but how to post them?
A link to a PDF would suffice for me.
@Mowijo I have been having difficulties, with the project and with other things in life, so am going slower than I would like. I have learned a few things about Qt Creator, but am missing some major points.
Would it work for me to do most of the grunt work, provide the project, and have you make it functional? Maybe zip up the top level and post a link to it?
And how would you like to get paid? Ethereum would be good. Or some other method?
Why do you need to pay somebody to learn how to use QtCreator / Qt?
There are enough free guides and tutorials on the internet (Yt, blogs, StackO, etc.)
This forum here will also help. And the Qt documentation. And if you dont know C++, I would start there first (at least the basics and OOP) before messing around with Qt.
Because if you start from 0, "some help" or clearifications will lead you nowhere. -
@Pl45m4 said in Need help with startup project, my Qt first project:
Why do you need to pay somebody to learn how to use QtCreator / Qt?Because starting with a new IDE can be extremely difficult and time-consuming, and Qt, like most, does not provide adequate documentation. For example, go to File -> New Project. On the left are seven options. What is the purpose and advantages of each option? For each option, there are from two to five sub-options. Again, why does each sub-option exist? Providing this information can be as easy as enabling a right-click for each item to display a description. I find this to be a major omission from Qt Creator.
Another example: open the default file mainwindow.ui and get a panel of options to drag and drop in the UI. On my screen there are eight categories. A right-click on the category could provide a brief description of why the user might select each of the items in that category.
Today I discovered something. Google for ChatGPT and open a link to the site. Type in something like: c++ code to get a number from QSpinBox. That provides better example code than most of the tutorials.
There is a little item found in these forums today. Drop a tool on a GUI, in my case quadratic.ui. Add a QSpinBox and name it sb_a. In a function within quadratic.h and .cpp, write a function with the line
sb_a->setValue( 50 );
Qt complains about undeclared identifier. No, it is declared, right there in the .ui file. Instead, we must write:
Why? It could be designed with the ability to just use those declared objects.
Yeah, its not a big deal, in of itself. But as one of very many little peculiarities that must be learned, it is a big deal.
This is why I was ready to pay some to show me some of the startup difficulties that take so long to get past.
@Bryan-Kelly said in Need help with startup project, my Qt first project:
Why? It could be designed with the ability to just use those declared objects.
The "why" I have explained in your other topic.
You have to adapt to Qt and how it is designed and not expect everything to work like you might think.
There is a good reason for this why you have to put a variable in front of your object name as your widget was named in your UI file.Check your other topic and read what I wrote.
Qt is pretty well documentated. But you might not get everything right away if you start new.And regarding QtCreator... There is also a little guide how to create projects and so on. You can't expect every little option to be explained there.
Some things (or terms) are taken for granted... and should be known when starting to develop software.
Where is the 3000 page handbook for MS Windows when buying a new PC that comes with Windows?!PS:
ChatGPT can be helpful and provide (partly) working code snippets, but it also can produce horrible examples of what you should avoid, what is outdated code or just wrong stuff. -
*If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.~E. W. Dijkstra*
Good quote. Might not be resolvable.