Unable to debug Android App (Windows + Qt Creator 12 + LLDB)
@CodesInChaoss ON Linux QT Creator 12 keeps toggling off and off and meessing up with debugger settings same as on Windows
by the way the most recent issue was resolved by ```
apt install libncurses5 -
With the sample CLOCK app by QT.... from LINUX...
Remote LLDB debugging doesn't work at all (QT 5.15.16, QT Creator 12) and with GDB... I get all the regular shit I used to get on windows... same sig faults........ with the sample clock app.....
Like you may see folks above.. we rather know what we are doing... we resolve all the missing depandancies on the fly.. we switch operating systems on the fly.. it's all SHIT
see above.. analogclock, sig fauls... LLDB doesn't kick in at all... GDB after significant delay. and sigfaults from QT internals running on android... Redmi 12 Pro targetting Android SDK 31 all according to the min requirements now on play store
Pay attention... throwing in the very same thread as previously on Windows... in an official QT sample app, totally irrelevant to our app
woaaah.... on one occasion we caught a single breakpoint.... with all the sigfaults flying by... same as on Windows
it's impossible to place a breakpoint in main (even though there's a dedicated option in Debug sub-menu).
GDB debugging delayed, sig faults all around.
can't get LLDB debugging to work at all -
with LLDB on Linux it's same as on Windows.
app (the sample Clock app by Qt ) keep running for 2-3 minutes already, while the "Launching dbeugger" thing keeps showing.
Now, it's on latest Ubuntu
@CodesInChaoss After 4 minutes have passed
@CodesInChaoss exactly same stuff as on Windows, with an offiial Qt sample app
LLDB 'works' only in arm not aaarch64 and on same grounds as gdb. debugging is not possible due to all the sigfaults and delays
So we are now running both Linux and Windows 11.
We are having mobile devices from multiple brands targeting API 31.
The problem is reproducible with QT sample apps.
anyone? QT?
- Qt 5.15.16
- QT Creator 12 (the online installer does NOT give us access to older builds)
- evaluated both GDB and LLDB both local and remote
- attempting to debug Qt official Clock sample app
- we've tried targeting 32 and 64bit ABIs
These are all brand new fresh installations of Windows 11 and Ubuntu.
no luck either.
By the way, can anyone tell me why API 31 ABI Clang compilers are missing?
ok I know, 31 API compilers are only within NDK 25
compiler settings looking GOOD, right? -
Folks really counting on you as otherwise wev'e got to spend 4K EURO on a yearly license from QT for them to at least offer us a helpful hand.... just trying to debug the sample Clock app....
Is anyone here actually using QT 5.15.16 (the latest commercial version from the 5x branch) ?
All segmentation faults appear on 4 distinct Android 13-14 devices I've tried.
On android 10 there are no segmentation faults. BUT debugging either does not work at all in most cases OR why by chance when it kick-in at all then this happens after a delay lasting minutes after the app has long launched and been executing code. ONCE today it happened that a breakpoint hit fist line in main FIRST time in a week and that happened on Android 10.