RPI4 qt6 Cross "libQt6Widgets.so.6 not found"
Hello, iam got a very annoying error after spending a lot time on setting up my crosscompiler on a vm.
Once it was working to compile and show a empty GUI but now iam getting the error below.
usr/local/bin/untitled1: error while loading shared libraries: libQt6Widgets.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
it seems that a library is not found but iam not so familar with linux and a bit confused.
Do maybe anyone has an idea what I could do to solve this?
Thank you very much! :)
the question for me is: where should I check for the library? on my pc right?
in which file do i have to edit the library path. Iam sure its correctly installed. -
There was a wrong path set up in the environment config