How to get text scaling from Android and IOS settings?
Mobile and Embedded
I have to make my Application accessible and I want to use the text scaling that is set in the phones settings. Is there a universal way for Android and IOS to get those settings? I know there is the sp unit for text size that should scale accordingly but I can't find a way to implement that in QT.
I didn't find a universal way, but with an QJNIObject and objective c it works now. Java with JNiObject:package Klingelball; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.WindowManager; public class AndroidSettings { public static float getFontScale(Context context) { //return getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale; Configuration configuration = context.getResources().getConfiguration(); // Get the font scale from the configuration float fontScale = configuration.fontScale; return fontScale; } }
It's important that the file is under src/mypackage.
.cpp file:
#ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID QJniObject context = QNativeInterface::QAndroidApplication::context(); if(QJniObject::isClassAvailable("Klingelball/AndroidSettings")) { QJniObject androidSettingsJavaObject = QJniObject("Klingelball/AndroidSettings"); fontScale = new float(androidSettingsJavaObject.callStaticMethod<jfloat>("Klingelball/AndroidSettings", "getFontScale", "(Landroid/content/Context;)F", context.object<jobject>())); qDebug() <<"Font scale:" << *fontScale; setup_fontAndroid(*fontScale); } else { qDebug() << "JAVA CLASS UNAVAIABLE!"; fontScale = new float(1); setup_fontAndroid(*fontScale); } #endif
iOs with objective-c:
.mm file:include "iOSSettings.h" #include <UIKit/UIKit.h> int iOSSettings::getPrefferedFont() { return [UIFont preferredFontForTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleBody].pointSize; }
.h file:
class iOSSettings { public: static int getPrefferedFont(); };
.cpp file:
#ifdef Q_OS_IOS fontScale = new float(getfontScalefrompointSize(iOSSettings::getPrefferedFont())); setup_fontiOS(iOSSettings::getPrefferedFont()); #endif
iOS returns the preffered Fontsize, I implemented a function that returns a factor based on the fontsize because I had to scale the Icons too.
Hope this helps somebody :)