Commercial to open source version
For mistake I have installed the commercial version in my Windows machine, but I need to install Open Source edition.
I open QtCreator and the try period has started.I have removed Qt commercial installation; and downloaded the open source installer from
But I always get the message "Welcome to commercial Qt setup."
How can I install open source version?
@Sergio-DeP The type of installation is not bound to a specific Qt Online Installer download, but to your Qt Account. So please check your Qt account.
If you want to stop an evaluation of commercial Qt, I suggest contacting Qt support about this.
Your Qt license (also a commercial evaluation license) is fetched to your local system. The installer defaults to a commercial installation, if a license file is found.
on Linux and in%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Qt\qtlicenses
on Windows.
Remove the license file, to fall back to an opensource installation. -
I am having similar issues but removing the licence file did not work for me.
Can someone guide me.