Ripple effect on material style
Hi everyone, I tried to find some fixes on a lot of forum but I don't have answer yet.
I'm still new to Qt Quick so I could have missed some obvious things.I have a QT Quick application on a embedded Linux which use v5.14.2.
I often run the application on window cause it's easier sometimes with MinGW v5.15.2.
I run Qt Quick 2.6 and Qt Controls 2.5 in the application.The application is using the material style from qt quick and I have one problem, the ripple effect on some control like a tab bar or a slider, is acting differently beetween the 2 platforms.
On windows it's working fine like the ripple appear in the center of the object as it should be, but on linux the ripple is going at the top right of the application and I can't figure out why.
If someone have an explanation or maybe a solution to somehow get ride of this ripple effect with the material style, I would love to hear it !
Thank you all for your time :)
To be more specific, I have a simple tab bar in a applicationWindow like this :
ApplicationWindow{ id:root width: 800 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Test") SwipeView { id: swipeView anchors.fill: parent currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex PageAccueil {} PagePcl {} Page3Form {} } footer: TabBar { id: tabBar Material.accent: "#ff9b22" height: 40 currentIndex: swipeView.currentIndex TabButton { text: qsTr("Page 1") } TabButton { text: qsTr("Page 2") } TabButton { text: qsTr("Page 3") } } }
Here in window, when I click on the footer , the ripple is inside the tab button I clicked on, as it should be. But on linux like I said before the ripple effect is going at the top right of the application.
I am also facing the same issue. Have you found any solution for this?