ScrollBar policy not working as expected
QML and Qt Quick
Hi all -
According to the docs:
ScrollBar.AsNeeded The scroll bar is only shown when the content is too large to fit.
So then, why, in this example:
ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true width: 640 height: 480 ScrollView { id: scrollView height: 200 width: 400 contentHeight: textArea.contentHeight TextArea { id: textArea text: "top\nbottom" background: Rectangle { width: scrollView.width color: 'lightgray' border.width: 1 } } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { id: scroller policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded anchors.left: scrollView.right contentItem: Rectangle { implicitHeight: scrollView.height implicitWidth: 12 color: 'lightblue' } background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: 'transparent' } } } }
Do I get a visible ScrollBar?
I've tried with Fusion and Universal (running on Windows) - same result.
one way to make it workingApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true width: 640 height: 480 ScrollView { id: scrollView height: 200 width: 400 contentHeight: textArea.contentHeight TextArea { id: textArea text: "top\nbottom\ntop\nbottom\nbottom\ntop\nbottom\nbottom\ntop\nbottom\nbottom\ntop\nbottom\nbottom\ntop\nbottom" background: Rectangle { width: scrollView.width color: 'lightgray' border.width: 1 } } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { id: scroller anchors.right: scrollView.right /* anchors.left or right? */ visible: textArea.contentHeight > scrollView.height contentItem: Rectangle { implicitHeight: scrollView.height implicitWidth: 12 color: 'lightblue' } background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: 'transparent' } } } }