Seeking Qt/CMake consultancy service
I am looking for a freelancer or consultancy with the following skills:
- CMake for Qt 6.2+
- Readiness and deployment to the App Store (iOS)
- Readiness and deployment to the Microsoft Store (UWP)
- Qt development in C++ & QML (Qt 6)
- Qt test framework for C++ and QML
- Github actions for enabling CI
- Qt Multimedia audio (Qt 6.2)
I am the developer of an award-winning musical app that runs on iOS and Windows, working on behalf of the product owner. The app has been published on the App Store and Microsoft Store for a few years. (I have been the developer since its inception.)We are currently updating and extend the app. Part of this is the move from Qt 5 to Qt 6.2+ and a switch from qmake to CMake.
I have an immediate need regarding app readiness for deployment to the App Store.However I am also looking to establish an ongoing relationship as there is likely to be upcoming feature development.
You would work for me on a subcontractor basis and, to set appropriate expectations, the work is likely (at least initially) to be piecemeal rather than continuous.
Please PM me if interested.
hello Paulmasri, thanks for your ad. I am interested to work with you. I am having very good knowledge on Qt and qml. Please connect with me at skype. My skype id is : engineer3dquartic