Qt 5.15.11 regression from Qt 5.15.10 (Android Release Build)
The Qt example "declarative-camera", which shows how to use QtMultimedia from QML, doesn't start when built for "Android Qt 5.15.11 Clang Multi-Abi" complaining that QtMultimedia module isn't istalled.
The same project, built with "Android Qt 5.15.10 Clang Multi-Abi" runs normally.
I selected "sign package" option in Projects/Build Android APK pane for both projects, because it seems that now Android release apk must be signed, otherwise a INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error happens.
Please, is there anyone who can confirm this regression?As a workaround, I switched back to Qt 5.15.10 to build my apps, but it seems strange for a LTS version.
Does someone know another way to fix this error? -
5.15.11 being at this time commercial only, you should contact the Qt Company directly for that matter.
I thank your quick response, SGaist.
I'll contact Qt commercial service for a fix, but it seems strange that a commercial and LTS version has such a regression error, isn't it? -
The thing is that with Android (it may have changed though) it was pretty common that with each new version of the NDK/SDK they would break stuff for third parties like Qt.
@mujeek have you fixed your problem or created a bugreport ?
@ekkescorner This issue will be fixed in next release.
Qt support said that overwriting Qt 5.15.11 androiddeployqt files with Qt 5.15.10 ones will fix this issue.
I don't like mixing versions, so I'm waiting next release while using Qt 5.15.10 which is good enough for my development.