QAxObject Excel and Pivot Chart
Hello everyone,
I have just taken over a well started QT C++ project and I need to make some modifications.
I need your help to guide me a little bit.I have never used QAxObject, rather new to QT/C++, and I am really struggling to set up a pivot table in Excel 2010.
The project as it stands already creates an .xlsb file, inserts data into it and creates a chart with one column on the x-axis and one on the y-axis.
I now need to create a pivot chart with those same two columns and another as a filter.
I have not been able to find any useful resources other than this one:
The list of functions referring to the pivot table : XlPivotCellType, XlPivotConditionScope, XlPivotFieldCalculation, XlPivotFieldDataType, XlPivotFieldOrientation, XlPivotFieldRepeatLabels, XlPivotFilterType, XlPivotFormatType, XlPivotLineType, XlPivotTableMissingItems, XlPivotTableSourceType, XlPivotTableVersionList.
I have no idea how to use these functions to create my pivot table.
Here is the functional source code used to create a simple chart in the excel sheet:void ResultFileExcelSheet::addGraphic(const QRect& position, const GraphicData& graphic) { LOG(ActivityLog::Debug,QString("Add graphics at (%1,%2 : %3x%4)").arg(position.x()).arg(position.y()).arg(position.height()).arg(position.width())); //this->worksheet->querySubObject("ChartObjects()")->setProperty("Placement","xlFreeFloating"); QAxObject* chartobject = this->worksheet->querySubObject("ChartObjects()"); //chartobject->setProperty("Placement","xlFreeFloating"); //chartobject->setProperty("Placement","xlMoveAndSize"); QAxObject* chart = chartobject->querySubObject("Add(int,int,int,int)",position.x(),position.y(),position.width(),position.height())->querySubObject("Chart()"); QString graphType; //qDebug()<<graphic.graphicType; if(graphic.graphicType == "4") { graphType = "xlLine"; } else if(graphic.graphicType == "75") { graphType = "xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers"; } else if(graphic.graphicType == "65") { graphType = "xlLineMarkers"; } else if(graphic.graphicType == "-4169") { graphType = "xlXYScatter"; } else { graphType = "xlLine"; } chart->setProperty("ChartType",graphType); //chart->setProperty("ChartType",graphic.graphicType); chart->querySubObject("Legend")->setProperty("Position",-4107); //chart->setProperty("Placement","xlMove"); //chart->querySubObject("Shapes")->setProperty("Placement","xlMoveAndSize"); //chart->setProperty("Placement","xlMoveAndSize"); chart->setProperty("HasTitle","True"); chart->querySubObject("ChartTitle")->setProperty("Text",graphic.graphicName); chart->querySubObject("Axes(xlCategory)")->querySubObject("Border")->setProperty("LineStyle",-4142); //chart->querySubObject("Axes(xlCategory)")->querySubObject("TickLabels")->setProperty("NumberFormat","date"); //chart->querySubObject("Axes(xlCategory)")->setProperty("CategoryType","xlTimeScale");//distribtion temps reel QAxObject* series = chart->querySubObject("SeriesCollection"); // Axe X QAxObject* xValues = this->getRange(graphic.xRange); // Axe Y QAxObject* serie = series->querySubObject("NewSeries()"); QAxObject* yValue = this->getRange(graphic.yRange); serie->setProperty("XValues",xValues->asVariant()); serie->setProperty("Values",yValue->asVariant()); serie->setProperty("Name",this->worksheet->querySubObject("Cells(int,int)",graphic.yRange.ay-1,>dynamicCall("Value").toString()); }
This function is called several times by another one :
void ResultFileExcelSheet::setGraphics(const CommandData& command, uint heigth , uint width) { QRect graph(this->getRange(RangeValue{0,0,this->size - 1,0})->property("Width").toInt() + 10 , 60, width , heigth); for(ResultFileExcelSheetArea* area : this->area) { for(const GraphicData& graphic : area->getGraphicsData(command)) { this->addGraphic(graph, graphic); graph.setY(graph.y() + heigth - 40); } } }
So, I would need your help to give me more guidance on how to create the pivot table.
Don't hesitate if you have any additional questions.Thanks in advance!
Have a nice day!
Hello and welcome.This really is a question about Excel Pivot Tables or Charts or whatever. Nothing to do with Qt. You might start from You would/might be better going to an "Office VBA" forum to ask how to achieve your aim.
The Qt
is a very thin wrapper around the COM object. If you have the VBA code for a task it's not too difficult to translate it into usingQAxObject