arm-none-eabi-gdb-py General Purpose Register Window Empty
Mobile and Embedded
I'm remote debugging a qemu-system-arm application.
The specific invocation is: ```
qemu-system-arm -S -gdb tcp::1234 -machine raspi2 -no-reboot -nographic -serial mon:stdio -kernel file.elfI can attach to it and step through it fine. However, when I go to View -> Views -> Registers it does not show any general purpose registers, like R0, R1, SP, PC, LR etc. The window only contains two tabs labelled 'long' and 'cp_regs'. Expanding these tabs shows a number of registers like MAIR0_S, CNTP_CTL etc. I must be doing something wrong, as this is the most basic feature of a register window.
As a hack, I just use GDB register syntax in the Expressions Window, e.g. $r1, $r2, etc. I then set the format as hexadecimal