Using Qt for electric vehicle[questions if it is feasbile]
Hello I am only familiar with Qt for desktop development . I want to know how feasible is Qt from automative/ electrical vehicles ( mainly 2 wheelers)
Firstly I am super confused about which license is needed ? There are so many options on qt website : Qt for MCU , Qt for device creation etc.
Has anyone here worked with electric vehicles dashboards or general Qt other than traditional desktop and mobile applications. You input will be really helpful
Next what controllers are supported by Qt is votol em-200 controller supported by Qt ? Do I have to pay for each vehicle on which qt will be deployed ?
Did you already went through the Qt in Automotive page ?
Mercedes, Rimac for example on the car side.
Unu with the help of KDAB on the two wheels side.As for your other questions, you should contact the Qt Company directly.